Sustainability for the Future

Laborsan Agro works continuously in the areas of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), offering the market sustainable products and promoting social responsibility and human development, to do our part towards a future with a better quality of life for all.

Committee ESG

Improvements and implementation of environmental, social and governance practices are carried out in conjunction with the committee, in order to:

Ensure alignment with ESG values and objectives.
Assessing risks and opportunities, strengthening corporate governance.
Make a positive contribution to all stakeholders.

Specific ESG

See below some of the actions that Laborsan Agro is already taking:

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETE):

Laborsan Agro has its own industrial effluent treatment plant, complying with all the legal requirements applicable to the operation and ensuring proper and environmentally responsible disposal.

Disposal of industrial waste:

Laborsan Agro is constantly striving to reduce waste. However, the waste generated is treated through the process of blending for co-processing, a technology that converts industrial waste into fuel or raw material, which can be used by cement factories throughout the country.

Environmental practices:

All the waste generated by Laborsan Agro is monitored. To this end, Laborsan Agro has selective collections strategically positioned throughout the company to ensure that the waste generated is disposed of and disposed of correctly.


Laborsan Agro employees receive regular training in environmental education and quality management, with the aim of ensuring knowledge and understanding of climate change and its implications.

Monitoring Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions:

In 2024, Laborsan Agro carried out the first Greenhouse Gas survey (base year 2023) - Scope 1 and 2, using the methods and tools provided by the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program.

Starting with this first survey, Laborsan Agro aims to carry out complete inventories every year, in order to use them as a tool for its GHG management, through a historical and evolutionary record of its emissions.

Safety of all employees:

Laborsan Agro has an Internal Accident Prevention Committee (CIPA), made up of members who ensure the safety of all employees. They hold weekly Safety Dialogues to discuss relevant issues related to health and safety in the workplace.

Gender equality and female empowerment:

We promote gender diversity at all levels of the organization, from hiring to decision-making, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment, while also implementing transparent and fair pay policies, with impartial and merit-based evaluations, so that women and men receive the same pay for work of equal value.

Code of ethics:

Laborsan Agro has adopted a Code of Ethics that guides the conduct of its employees, promoting values such as integrity, respect and responsibility. This document establishes clear standards of behavior, reinforcing the company's commitment to ethics, transparency and the well-being of all those involved in its operations.

Participation in fairs and events:

Laborsan Agro supported the first National ESG Congress, one of the largest ESG events in Latin America, which was attended by more than 500 people. The event was an opportunity to discuss, learn and share practices and solutions related to the three pillars that form the acronym ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance.

Check out our video gallery below, which features videos of the event and testimonials from our board of directors, employees, clients and partners:

Certifications and Compliance

ISO 9.001

ISO 9001 - Quality Management System certified company, which makes it possible to optimize and monitor processes to meet market requirements and customer satisfaction. We work to obtain the best results, aiming for continuous process improvement and always seeking new technologies to offer high-performance products.

ISO 14.001

Company certified to ISO 14.001 - Environmental Management System, which helps Laborsan Agro to effectively identify, manage, monitor and control its environmental aspects. It is designed so that organizations can achieve a balance between profitability and minimizing environmental impacts, offering tools to continuously improve sustainability practices.

Environmental labeling

The company is certified with the Green Seal (Type I Environmental Labeling), based on the ISO 14024 standard, which evaluates and certifies products with strict sustainability criteria. Type I labeling considers multiple aspects, such as energy consumption, resource use, emissions and waste, promoting a broad and careful approach to sustainability.

Next steps (2025)

In 2025, Laborsan Agro intends to publish its first Sustainability Report, based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This report aims to transparently communicate the company's performance, reinforcing its commitment to responsible and sustainable practices.